Thursday, December 27, 2012

Holidays - YEAH!

Haven't posted in awhile, been pretty swamped with year end work and (steamsales). I have a couple of pics started up in a rough state ready for the next steps, which hopefully I will get more time this holiday to get jamming on :D

Otherwise! Have had a pretty awesome Christmas, spending time with families who have adopted me in a bid to use me as a storage device for all the food - its a mutual benefit, so no complaints. At all. Hope it was as good a day for you and your families!

Here's some stuff I've done in between work and life:

A scribble that started during work breaks turned into a sweaty, body cleaving, waddle of fat.

Varna, from Digital Devil Saga - why Shin Megami Tensei games are the best inspiration for weird designs.

Rough draft for a piece I want put together soon.

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