Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Loser

Sometimes in life, you lose the fight.

You're not the greatest looker out there; it doesn't make it any better that the opponent took a bite out of your ear; your cheap cigar is falling apart; and your head is bleeding like a stuck pig...

...but sometimes all you need is a beautiful girl to give a damn, pour heaps of stinging alcohol on your wounds, and laugh away your frustrations.

This goes out to everyone who's lost a fight once out there and the beautiful girls who helped them pick their asses up with the aid of laughs and rubbing alcohol - especially my girlfriend Tamryn, who uses that rubbing alcohol with much zeal.


  1. I couldn't get over any of my losses in life with out my wife.

  2. Loving it! Was listening to this "" when I saw this picture, very moving
