Thursday, April 26, 2012

This would be where I smash a champagne bottle

Spent all day drawing chocolate at work, so it got me in the mood to get back home and put some touches on my blog before I spam-post it into the great yonder. Sadly, no chocolate art - yet.

So here's the thing; I'm juggling a couple of ideas for pieces at the moment, but in the mean time I've really wanted to post up some of my older pieces I (for some reason) never posted up on my blog before I left it to rot.

Roll on the nostalgia - its really weird looking at old stuff and criticizing them the hell out, but at the same time its gotta be good to see the lengths an artist has come. I mean, if you're looking at something you did 5 years ago and you still think its the shit, then perhaps its time to start pushing the art schedule to overdrive. Or take a break - I won't be ashamed in saying I did.

Okay maybe a little...sigh.

Gonna start with a couple of quick environments I did for a conceptual exercise, where I imagined creating a game (probably an RTS) where the player could choose one of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Really wanted to push some stereotypes and break some new ground in my ideas. These were a couple of environments I did up for Death and Pestilence homelands.

...these ruins and remains of a nobility that cut itself from typical society and once worshiped Death as their god, teacher, and ultimately, saviour. They believed Death gave them power and authority - and the very woods they were based within seemed to move at their whim. Unknown to them, was that their "god" was already one known and worshiped by creatures and entities that called the forest their home - some even going as far as saying the forest itself was merely a disciple. 

When the nobles new found power reached their head and swollen ego over time, they sought to expand and attempt to domesticate the woods they once respected. What soon followed should have been no surprise to ones who all to recently called Death their master - inhabitants would disappear day or night, their bodies only found days later with wounds carved with bestial teeth, or in other cases, frozen and blue with cold. Fishermen and washerwomen spoke of horned silhouettes scrutinizing them from the trees; odd shapes reflected along the water; whispers, clicks and guttural howls that would turn blood into ice.

The nobles chose to ignore these simple warnings and despite pleading, pressed on with assaulting the forest.

What remains now is a mystery by all means - the pristine and elaborate walls that once stood high lie crumbled and entrapped with black vines. History books lie mute about this unknown nobility and only storytellers ever whisper of these Death worshipers and their untold fate - how their lands now lie overgrown, and only their colossal ceremonial statues of Death, their master, which ironically still stand tall amidst ruin, and how the trees seem to almost turn and point at these effigies. Some would dare go further to say that at night, bestial and unearthly shapes converge to these statues, almost if only to revel and worship their old god... 


And my Pestilence picture, where I'm too tired to write a story for it. Deserts, diseases, insects infesting the well preserved dead and taking their bodies as hosts to wreak havoc on the get the picture.

Stay classy and enjoy (and have fun), till next time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so stoked to have seen your art over the years. As someone who doesn't draw I've always thought even your old stuff was the shit, however compared to your new stuff I suppose I would agree it pales in comparison. I look forward to seeing it grow more in the future! :)
