Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Order of the Strelitzia

Just a concept I thought up in my lull time between bigger personal projects - an obligatory armoured character, inspired very much by a plant I grew fond of in my time growing up in South Africa: The Bird of Paradise Flower, more scientifically known as the Strelitzia. It was hard not to be drawn by its colours and especially its distinct shape of the flower, and how they almost begged to be inspiring of something.

I thought I'd try a quicker technique of colouring this piece, simpler colour usage and essentially just trying to get my speed up. Started with a pencil sketch, incorporating a bit of shading, and then coloured in PS.
I wanted to make this guy a part of an elite cadre of Strelitzia Guards: high ranking, intricately disciplined and assigned bodyguards of a lord in his fortress and the general on the battlefront. In particular, the colours aren't as vibrant as the actual flower, but I attempted to preserve the actual shape of it in the helmet design. Equipped with a lance for blocking an intruders way, or dismounting and impaling an offending horseman - as well as a mace for administering harsh and heavy judgement on one who got too close then he was permitted. Heavier armour work is present on the left arm to act as a shield and blocking instrument, whilst allowing the lightly armoured right arm to deliver flexible strikes.

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